Hemorrhoids are a real pain in the butt -- literally.
They affect many men and women, but most people get embarassed when talking about the anal area or poop in general.
One third of the population suffer from hemorrhoids and there are 1.5 million related prescriptions being given every year to relieve them.
So, with knowing that, it is definitely worth talking about!
Most people prefer not to have prescribed medication, so that is well enough reason to discuss effective tips and remedies that may help to prevent and manage hemorrhoids naturally.

What is a hemorrhoid?
Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus that usually happen due to increased pressure or straining while pooping. They can be internal (inside the rectum) or external (under the skin around the anus).
Hemorrhoid risk may increase with:
Chronic constipation
Straining during bowel movements
Low-fiber diet
Wiping that booty too hard
Prolonged sitting or standing
Genetic predisposition
Many of these risk factors are modifiable. You just need to know how to become more aware of how daily habits may contribute to this condition and adjust your lifestyle choices accordingly.
Lifestyle Tips and Techniques for Hemorrhoid Prevention
As with most health conditions, if you want to manage hemorrhoids, prevention is key!
However, many individuals don't get the insight that they need on practical tips and techniques that are available to prevent or even manage hemorrhoids.
I think the partial reason is because there are many providers that are not aware or up to speed on non pharmeceutical interventions.
Nevertheless, it is still very important to share information that may be helpful even if it has not been officially studied in a controlled setting or understood by your own provider. Sometimes other individual's honest experiences can be benefical for someone going through a similar situation.
So, below are a few lifestyle changes that can aid in the prevention of hemorrhoids. These are straightforward modifications that can be incorporated into your daily routine. They have been effective for many individuals in a professional environment and could potentially benefit you as well!
Use a bidet (or peri bottle) after each bowel movement to reduce anal tissue injury.
Before every bowel movement, apply herbal emollient ointment to lubricate rectal tissue and make it easier for poop to slide out without causing friction.
Breath out your poop. Take your time and dont rush.
Drink at least 2.5 - 3 L of water to keep stool soft.
Consider bowel retraining if you are not having at least 1 bowel movement a day.
Use witch hazel pads after each bowel movement to reduce risk of swelling.
Use a squatty potty for every bowel movement. I like this one.
Incorporate high-fiber foods like fruit, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet.
Eat at least half a plate of veggies daily.
Practice pelvic floor lifting and releasing during your poops and pees.
Avoid sitting or standing for prolonged periods.
Sit on a donut cushion to take presssure off rectal area, while sitting for a long period.
Use a cold compress if you have an active hemmorhoid or make a DIY padsicle.
Take 1 tbsp of psyllium husk 1-2x daily to keep stool soft
Take a natural stool softener supplement daily. It is non habit forming and allows for bowels to soften to reduce chances of hemmorhoids.
Whether you choose one of the techniques to implement or all of them, try it for at least 21 days and watch it become a habit that helps to improve your hemorrhoid!
Herbal Remedies for Hemorrhoids
Even if you are unable to prevent hemmorhoids from happening, that's okay. You still are the MVP if you are willing to work through it naturally.
I love informing of these recipes because they actually provide relief! Using natural remedies opens up more options beside Prep H. (unless that is your preference).
Hemorrhoid Remedies
Common oak powder (1 tsp) + Calendula (2.5 tbsp) ointment 1-2x topically daily
Witch hazel salve 1-2x daily
Butcher's broom extract a few drops topically to reduce inflamed hemorrhoids
Pycnogenol (pine extract) 100 mg orally 2x daily for acute hemorrhoids
Comfrey + St. John's wort poultice topically
Green clay + witch hazel paste topically for painful hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids can be super uncomfortable, but with the right remedies and lifestyle adjustments, you can manage them at home!
Whether you're a soon-to-be mama or someone looking for natural relief options, these tips can be what you need in your journey towards a more comfortable and enjoyable healing.
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DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. This content is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your health regimen, especially if you have a medical condition or are taking medications. The author and publisher of this content are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggestions, preparations, or procedures described in this article. Readers are advised to use their own judgment and seek professional medical advice when necessary.