Colic is so ghetto.
That's it. That's the post.
No, seriously, I have a new baby at home and I learned my lesson about colic with my firstborn just 2 years ago.
If I had known what I know now, I might have gotten much better sleep and been less miserable.

Key Points About Colic
In short, colic is a common condition characterized by long periods of crying and discomfort, which affect approximately 10-20% infants as young as 2 weeks and up to 4 months old.
Colic can be super uncomfortable for the baby and equally distressing for the parents (speaking from experience). In addition:
Colic may be related to digestive issues, sensitivity to stimulation, or even an early form of migraines.
Colic is characterized by episodes of crying that last for more than three hours a day, more than three days a week, for more than three weeks.
They say colic is not harmful and usually resolves on its own over time, but who knows? I digress and am not willing to wait it out. Our babies need relief period!
Possible Root Causes of Colic
The first step in relief is understanding the possible root. As with everything health and wellness related, you really won't understand how to truly manage a condition unless you focus on it.
It has been said that the exact cause of colic is unknown, but what we do know is that there are several factors that may possibly contribute to it. Triggers include:
Immature digestive systems
Gas or discomfort
Food sensitivities in breastmilk, such as dairy, soy, or caffeine
Overstimulation from noise, lights, or activity
High levels of stress or anxiety in parents
Imbalances in melatonin and serotonin
Knowing this should already give you a pretty solid start on how to manage it.
However, there are products on the market that claim that colic can be tamed with their version of gripe water, but when I actually tried them (and I tried at least 3 brands), my babe still didn't get the relief she needed.
My babe actually didn't like the taste at all, and it would make her spit up often.
I didn't like the taste either, to be honest (yes, I tried it).
However, once I realized how simply colic could be managed at home (and naturally), you couldn't tell me anything.
There is no way I am going back to using the store brands again, and you don't have to either.
Herbs and Supplements for Colic
We can soooolve colic so simpleeeee... or whatever Lauryn Hill said.
I legit wish I could make this post longer for SEO purposes, but natural colic management is too simple to add all that fluff.
I use the herbal infusion from this blog.
Beyond that, I also like to include this supplement from early on:
Probiotics: Lactobacillus reuteri, at least 100 million CFU daily
This herbal blend and supplement, even on most days, helps the babe not only with colic, but also by keeping the babe on the chill side.
It works for us.
Practical Lifestyle Tips for Colic Relief
Of course, we can't talk about natural remedies without discussing lifestyle changes, too.
Other tips that may help as well include:
Swaddle, rock, or use white noise to calm baby
Burp properly and choose appropriate bottles to reduce gas
Establish a consistent routine for the baby's security
Seek support from family, friends, or groups
Use "bicycle legs" exercise and gentle tummy massages
Supervise tummy time for core strength
Use fragrance-free products and maintain a smoke-free environment
Dress baby comfortably and keep the room temperature consistent
You Got This
I know colic can be tough for both infants and parents, but remember trouble doesn't last always.
All you need is understanding, patience, and the right strategies to help soothe your baby and navigate through this phase. If it becomes too much, you can always seek your trusted provider for additional guidance and reassurance.
Disclaimer: The information in this post and on this site is strictly for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your healthcare practitioner before making any changes to your regimen.