Let's build healthier communities.
Disease prevalence is increasing, and it is becoming more challenging to treat, manage and prevent debilitating conditions that demean the quality of life of many individuals daily. Conventional medicine alone is not enough to control what we will consider an 'epidemic of diseases. Every community has witnessed desolation from debilitating conditions, especially those of underserved and minority-based communities. These diseases can be attributed to poor lifestyle choices, lack of self-awareness, and miseducation. In response to these diseases, we often observe the over-medicating of these individuals. However, we fail to treat the underlying cause in many of these situations -- poor lifestyle habits. Rooted Vigor, LLC was created to bring awareness to these situations and spark change, especially in our Afro communities, domestic and abroad.
To work together with you and turn your illness into wellness.
We customarily educate individuals of all backgrounds to optimize wellness. We provide information that is supported by research to help you establish deeply rooted strength and good health. We are building our communities and spreading awareness of self-consciousness, nature's healing herbs, holistic health, and nutrition.
These pages are not to create a diversion but to provide a common place for like-minded individuals willing to learn and participate in the teaching of others.
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